Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Big, Big Bear Action Rhyme {Preschool Letter B}

This rollicking rhyme for kids is loaded with action prompts and fun facts about bears! You can do use it with a preschool forest theme, a Letter B week, or just for fun!  

Be bears with your preschoolers! We had so much fun with this one that we probably did it ten times!

Actions are suggested for each part of the rhyme in italicized type. You can easily adapt a lot of yoga poses into this action rhyme. You can do this activity inside, but it is even more fun to go outside and be bears with your kiddos in nature, just like real bears! 

Rhyming activities develop important pre-reading skills that help your children decode, group word families, and predict words when they start reading. 

So, here is our...

Big, Big Bear Preschool Action Rhyme

by Carla at Preschool Powol Packets

I'm a big, big bear  (stretch out arms and legs like a modified warrior pose)
With lots of hair  (pull on imaginary hair on shoulders)
And a super-strong smelling nose!   (point at nose)

I can walk around  (bear walk around)
On the ground
Or reach up high on my toes!  (reach for the sky!)

My favorite dish   (put hands together in a bowl)
Is lots of fish  (pretend to eat food)
But I also eat berries or mice!

If I see snow  (wiggle fingers in air like snow falling)
I like to go
Sleep somewhere warm and nice!  
(lay down on the ground like a modified child's pose and sleep)

When you're done, you can talk about how bears walk (on all fours), how they can stand on two feet to reach food or other objects, their great sense of smell, how they are omnivores and will eat lots of things (including fish, berries, mice, food that people leave out, roots, etc), and how bears hibernate!  Afterwards, do the rhyme again!

If you're working on a Letter B week, check out my HUGE collection of Ultimate Letter of the Week Resources!  There are loads of fun ideas and free printables, including this {FREE} B is for Bear Dot page!

And be sure to check out some of our other action rhymes for kids, like Be a Train or the Leaves rhyme!

Happy Educating,

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