Sparkly Fizzing Jello Explosions Science Experiment!
This fun science experiment encouraged the kids to use what they already know about kitchen science to make a fantastic-smelling, sparkly, fizzy explosion! It's a super fun science project!
I presented the kids with a challenge: I told them I had jello packets with sweetened, colored gelatin. They could use those packets and anything else they needed to make sparkly, fizzing explosions!
They were excited...they love to make things erupt and explode. The jello smelled wonderful and looked bright and colorful. We might have had a problem or two with kids tasting the jello powder. Anyway, they knew the jello powder wouldn't react explosively with anything, so they added baking soda to the jello:
They also added glitter. Everything is better when it sparkles! (One of our favorite science experiments is this very popular sparkly explosion!)
Finally, they stirred all the "dry" ingredients together.
They knew vinegar would react with baking soda to make carbon dioxide, which would bubble to the top and make the eruption/explosion they were waiting for! They decided to do it all at once for a better effect!
Ta da!! It was very impressive!
Eventually we used up our supply of doesn't happen often, but it did this time! The kids weren't done with their explosions, though, so they decided to grab some lemon juice to make a few more eruptions. It's been a while, but they knew that lemon juice also reacts with baking soda! And...we had a few more explosions!
Do you have a favorite kitchen science experiment? I have over 150 awesome experiments and science projects perfect for preschoolers and young children here!
You'll love these kitchen science activities from our Early Elementary Bloggers too:
Kitchen Science Kit from Parenting Chaos
Ivory Soap Experiments from Schooling a Monkey
Sparkly Fizzing Jello Explosions from Preschool Powol Packets
I presented the kids with a challenge: I told them I had jello packets with sweetened, colored gelatin. They could use those packets and anything else they needed to make sparkly, fizzing explosions!
They were excited...they love to make things erupt and explode. The jello smelled wonderful and looked bright and colorful. We might have had a problem or two with kids tasting the jello powder. Anyway, they knew the jello powder wouldn't react explosively with anything, so they added baking soda to the jello:
They also added glitter. Everything is better when it sparkles! (One of our favorite science experiments is this very popular sparkly explosion!)
Finally, they stirred all the "dry" ingredients together.
They knew vinegar would react with baking soda to make carbon dioxide, which would bubble to the top and make the eruption/explosion they were waiting for! They decided to do it all at once for a better effect!
Ta da!! It was very impressive!
Eventually we used up our supply of doesn't happen often, but it did this time! The kids weren't done with their explosions, though, so they decided to grab some lemon juice to make a few more eruptions. It's been a while, but they knew that lemon juice also reacts with baking soda! And...we had a few more explosions!
Do you have a favorite kitchen science experiment? I have over 150 awesome experiments and science projects perfect for preschoolers and young children here!
You'll love these kitchen science activities from our Early Elementary Bloggers too:
Kitchen Science Kit from Parenting Chaos
Ivory Soap Experiments from Schooling a Monkey
Sparkly Fizzing Jello Explosions from Preschool Powol Packets
I may share at any of these parties!
