Flower Painting Giraffes Preschool Art
Flowers, nature, process art, experimenting with paint, giraffes, and easy no-stress masterpieces for any age...this is one preschool art project we will be doing again!
I'm sharing this post as part of the 2016 Paint-a-thon hosted by Emma Owl! You can click on over to get hundreds of ideas for painting with kids!
I may share at any of these parties!
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The supplies are easy...all you need are two sheets of paper, flowers, paint, masking tape (optional) and scissors. To start out, I just cut a giraffe silhouette out of a sheet of paper.
This is pretty easy, but in case you're in a hurry and love the idea, I made an easy printable for you! Just print your own FREE Giraffe Silhouette HERE!
Then place the cut out giraffe on another sheet of paper, and let your kiddos pick their favorite flowers.
Here is where you may want to use your optional tape. I rolled a small piece of masking tape under the giraffe's head, hind quarters, and one of its knees. This helped it hold still while my very-excited-3-year-old had a blast painting:
Encourage your kiddos to paintthe whole paper...the negative space looks really neat when you take the giraffe away! (I'll have to take a picture of this for you...I've misplaced my camera tonight!)
Once it finishes drying, carefully lift the giraffe off to reveal two works of art: the giraffe painted with flowers, and a white-space giraffe!
My favorite thing about doing this particular preschool art project with flowers is that the final products look amazing and it was a preschool flower craft that the kids were able to do entirely on their own. And if giraffes aren't really your thing, you could make a similar DIY stencil for any animal or shape! It could fit so easy into so many units and themes that I am sure we will be using this type of process art again.
Do you have a favorite process art? I'd love to hear about it! You can leave a comment, send me an email, or visit my PreschoolPowolPackets Facebook page!
I'm sharing this post as part of the 2016 Paint-a-thon hosted by Emma Owl! You can click on over to get hundreds of ideas for painting with kids!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!
