Don't Give Up! An Object Lesson for Kids Who Feel Down
When a child has had a negative experience, saying "Don't give up!" can feel trite. This is a fun object lesson that makes kids giggle...and gives you a chance to remind them not to give up!
Our kids run into negative experiences all around them--sometimes it's a negative social experience, sometimes it's a school-work failure, and sometimes it's something else. I have been trying to teach my kids that they can learn from any situation, but first you have to stand up and be willing to keep going!
I was reminded about this just yesterday when my son wrote this in his notebook, "Today I tried making a puzzle, but I failed." Yikes! I was a little bit worried about how he might be feeling...fortunately, the next sentence had a more positive feeling (more on that after the object lesson)! In both this experience, and most others, not giving up when you feel down is that's what this fun little object lesson is about.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Google as part of the Forward Influence Network, and I am delighted to be sharing the positive messages of this campaign!
Simple Supplies:
* bowl
* balloon
* water
Don't Give Up!
Easy Lesson:
1- Fill the bowl with water and blow the balloon up so it is about 2 inches in diameter. You can make it bigger if you have a really big bowl!
2- Show your kids the balloon, and talk about how it likes to sit on top of the water. Talk about the kids' experiences on boats, tubes, etc, and how fun it is to be on top of the water.
3- Sometimes things happen that get us feeling "down," like we've been pushed under water. Talk about what it might feel like to be under water when you're not ready/expecting it, and how that is similar to how you feel after a negative experience (like if you tried and failed at something, if someone says or does something mean, or if you feel overwhelmed by changes in life).
4- What do we need to do when we feel "down" or "under water?" Will staying under water longer help? (No!) We need to remember: Don't give up! We can come back up to the top of the water and try again. Do you want to see the balloon remember to not give up?
5- Let your kids take turns pushing the balloon under water, and watch how fast it comes back to the top of the water when they let go of it! That balloon does not give up!!
6- Sometimes not giving up just means trying again...and again and again! Sometimes (for example, if a bully is involved) it means talking with your parents or a professional. There are lots of ways we can get back up on top of the water again! One of my favorite stories of someone who remembered, "Don't give up!" is Thomas Edison. He reportedly tried 1,000 times to make a light bulb! When a reporter asked him, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" he responded with, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." He had to get back up "on the water" 1,000 times before he succeeded! That's not easy! But I'm sure glad he did!
7- So how can we be like the balloon? If I say "Remember the balloon!" what does that remind you? (to not give up!)
Sometimes it's easier to remind your kids to "remember the balloon" than "don't give up!" And sometimes it's easier to not give up than other times. Remember my son who "failed" at making a puzzle? I love the next line in his notebook: "But, I learned to keep better track of the puzzle pieces!" It was such a great example of not giving up that I had to thank him for sharing it with me!
How do you teach your kids to not give up? What other ways can you take a negative experience and make it positive?
Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month? Google has launched a massive bullying prevention initiative that includes an online program and a Be Kind Curriculum! They are emphasizing that it is just as important to be kind online as it is in real life with their Be Internet Awesome campaign!
I am so excited to share this with you because it is a cause that I truly, strongly believe in! It seems like people forget that there are real people behind every screen name, and that words online can hurt just as much as words in real life.
Everyone can use the Be Internet Awesome curriculum and the Interland Kind Kingdom for free! They are both incredible resources that address a lot of issues with online safety and kindness in a fun, kid-friendly way. Families and teachers can use these materials to teach kids to be "upstanders" (people who help, and don't just stand by when someone is bullied), and promote positivity at home, school, AND online!
Just CLICK HERE to play Interland with your kids and put your kindness skills to the test in the Kindness Kingdom!! And CLICK HERE to check out the Be Internet Awesome program (be sure to share it with teachers so they can use the classroom activities too)!!
I would LOVE to hear how you help your kids turn negative experiences into positive ones! How do you get them to keep trying? Is giving up a battle they have? Feel free to comment or send me an email!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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