2019 Homeschool STEM Conference-Online Sessions

Have you heard about the 2019 Homeschool STEM Conference-Online?!!

Have you wondered what the sessions are?

I've typed them all up for you, and sorted them into groups based on how old your kids are!

A lot of the sessions apply to parents of any age group, so I listed those under "All Ages." The rest are broken up into Preschool/Kindergarten/Toddlers, Elementary School, and Middle/High School.

Beneath these four lists you will find detailed descriptions of all the class sessions!

These classes together are easily worth a conference ticket over $100, but we know that homeschoolers are often working with a one-income budget, so we have priced this conference as absolutely low as possible! You can get lifetime access to ALL these sessions (and their handouts, and all the conference bonuses!) for only $15!!

Click the pink button to Register Now!

Or keep reading to learn more!!

All Ages:

Why All Students Should Learn to Code
Why Add the A(rt) to STEM
What is STEM and Why is it Important?
Teaching Wonder: the Art of Science
STEM for Children of Color
STEM Contests
STEAM for All Ages
Introduction to STEM Challenges
Integrating Art into Math & Science
How to Start a Math Club
Homeschool STEM for Kids
Engaging Hands & Minds with the 5E Inquiry Model
Creating a STEM Meet-up When You Aren't a Scientist
Best Resources for Developing Your Own Science Curriculum

Preschool, Kindergarten, and Toddlers:

STEM Exploration for Preschoolers
Play-Based STEM
Outdoor STEM
How to Create Science Boxes

Elementary School:

Using Picture Books to Teach Elementary STEM
STEM in the Kitchen
Play-Based STEM
Outdoor STEM
Introduction to Block Programming with BrainPad
How to Create Science Boxes
Hands-on Examples of Simple Machines
Creative Ideas from a Non-STEM-Loving Mama
A Hands-on Method for Learning Math Facts

Middle School & High School:

Tools for Engaging Your Not-so-Science Teen
STEM in the Kitchen
Introduction to Block Programming with BrainPad
High School Chemistry Can Be Fun
High School Biology Can Be Fun
Hands-on Examples of Simple Machines
Animal Sciences for High School

Detailed Session Descriptions for 2019 Homeschool STEM Conference:

A Hands-on Method for Learning Math Facts:
This session will demonstrate a simple alternative to drilling addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. There is no need to painfully memorize. Let your child learn by doing instead.

Animal Sciences for High School:
Animals are fascinating and most kids will spend time wanting to learn more about them. Then there are those that love animals so much they want to become a veterinarian, a horse farrier, or a dog trainer. Being involved with animals requires knowledge of their health, care and behavior. Not everyone has access to farms, livestock or animal facilities though. In this workshop I will give resources that work for both those with access to animals and those without! OUr job as homeschool moms is to feed our children information that interests them and will carry them far in life. 

Best Resources for Developing Your Own Science Curriculum:
Interested in developing your own science curriculum but are unsure where to start? Maybe you are worried about your own science knowledge. Let’s explore some tried and true resources for confidently creating a custom curriculum. Tips on determining which concepts are skill-level appropriate for your learners, how to develop a unit and choosing resources to make your lesson planning stress-free regardless of your own science background! Will include tons of examples and resources.

Creating a STEM Meet-up When You Aren't a Scientist:
You know STEM is important. It is the buzz word that flashes across your screen shows up in every homeschool magazine, and pops up in all the latest and greatest catalogs. However, for you, that buzzing feels more like a bee about to sting! You begin to wonder how you will effectively educate your child without being an astrophysicist. I mean art history, ancient French, history timelines...now those make sense, what could you possibly teach your child about STEM?

Have no fear. STEM can be done without a PHD in chemistry, in fact no science background is needed. Come learn how to successfully incorporate STEM concepts into your homeschool and host STEM challenges for every kid that will get them thinking, teach the important concepts, AND be fun for everyone!

Creative Ideas from a Non-STEM Loving Mama:
Although STEM isn't necessarily a new concept, figuring out ways to incorporate it into homeschooling without it being overwhelming seems to be. This homeschooling mama used to draw major blanks when it came to fostering this part of my children's education, but not anymore. In my session I will share creative ideas for incorporating STEM in a natural and fun way... especially for the non-STEM loving mamas (like me)!

Engaging Hands and Minds with the 5E Inquiry Model:
The best (and possibly the most fun) way to learn science is through inquiry. The 5E Inquiry Model is a method of teaching science that allows learning to be driven by a child’s own wonder, curiosity and interest. Learn the 5 parts of the inquiry model along with many examples and prompts to help you develop your own science inquiry lessons. Will also include great resources that provide easy-to-follow inquiry activities and lessons to try in your homeschooling practice. 

Hands-on Examples of Simple Machines:
This session will explain why we study simple machines, what each type of simple machine is, how it is used in industrial settings, and then build one using easily available materials!

High School Biology Can Be Fun:
High School can be scary. High School Science can be terrifying! Not only are you responsible for teaching a high school level science course, but the equipment and experiments can seem daunting. In this workshop I will give you ideas for making it fun, help you find some awesome resources and dissection specimens and set you and your high school student up for success in Biology.

High School Chemistry Can Be Fun:
High School can be scary. High School Science can be terrifying! Not only are you responsible for teaching a high school level science course, but the equipment and experiments can seem daunting. In this workshop I will give you ideas for making it fun, help you find some awesome books and experiment materials, and set you and your high school student up for success in Chemistry. 

Homeschool STEM for Kids:
This class has fun ideas, tips, and encouragement for doing STEM at home with your kids!  

How to Create Science Boxes:
This class takes parents from start to finish on how to create inquiry-based science boxes at home, why it's important, and includes a PDF of possible types of boxes and what they should contain.

How to Start a Math Club:
Math Clubs are a good way to encourage a love of math in all students. They can also be used to challenge students who excel at math and to help students apply math to real life problems. You don't need to have a degree in math to start a club! Listen in to learn how to do it and where to find resources. 

Integrating Art into Math and Science:
Discover the benefits of adding ART into STEM, as well as some fun ideas to integrate Art into math and science lessons! I will share examples of project ideas, artists to study that incorporate art and science in their work, and tips to make it easier on you and your planning!

Introduction to Block Programming with Brain Pad:
I plan to explain about block based programming and how it works and resources to learn it, create a few demo programs, and then explain what programming hardware is and how we can program computer chips using a browser. You will be able to use the browser coding without having to create an account, buy, or sign up for anything. 

I'll also talk about our latest "Top secret" arcade game programming  console we're working on with Microsoft. 

Introduction to STEM Challenges:
If you’re new to STEM Challenges, or just unsure if you’re getting all the goodness you can & should from them, this is your session! We’ll cover STEM Challenge basics, best practices, content connections, adjusting for age/difficulty, practical tips, how to know you’re doing it “right”, and common mistakes. Plus, you’ll get a STEM Challenge freebie and access to additional STEM Challenge resources. 

Outdoor STEM:
This session is full of ways to explore STEM outdoors with your children!

Play-Based STEM:
Learn how to foster your child's natural curiosity through play-based STEM. We'll talk about using Invitations to Explore, creating games, and incorporating toys in our STEM lessons. Specific examples are shared for teaching science, engineering, and math through hands-on and engaging activities for preschool and elementary grades. The ideas can be modified for middle school and high school as well.  

STEAM for All Ages:
Discover what STEAM is, what it looks like for different aged children, and how to "do" STEAM with mixed age groups!

In this workshop, Amanda Brandon is going to show you how to take all of those homeschool resources you purchase (book lists, supplements, science kits, art kits, periodical subscriptions, board games, tech subscriptions, Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Pinterest) and turn them into a focused, fun-filled day of STEAM exploration for you and your kids. It starts with a QUESTION and ends with memories. Are you ready to start a STEAMSDay in your homeschool? Learn how you can do this simply, without frustration, and with resources you already own! Your kids are going to love this! 

STEM Contests:
Contests can be a great way to challenge and motivate students. There are many STEM contests for all ages - both individual and group ones - that homeschoolers can take part in. Learn about the ones my own children and some of my students have loved! 

STEM for Children of Color: Issues in Diversity & Inclusion:
This session introduces STEM, why we need to look at it from a multicultural perspective, what inclusive STEM IS and is NOT, how parents can help, ideas for you to teach from an inclusive perspective, and helpful resources!

STEM Exploration for Preschoolers:
Discover why STEM is important for preschoolers, why they are SO good at it, and ways to incorporate it into their daily routine! Also includes over a dozen ideas you can use TODAY!

STEM in the Kitchen:
Discover STEM concepts involved in every day processes like making cookies!

Teaching Wonder: the Art of Science:
Teaching science is really about teaching our kids to wonder, to question and to approach the world with passion. Get some practical tips in this session!

Tools for Engaging Your Not-so-Science Teen:
This class gives parents tips for doing STEM with the literary, artsy, dramatic teen who doesn't see the point.

Using Picture Books to Teach Elementary STEM:
STEM does not have to be limited to equations, experiments and gadgets. Engage your children in STEM after a trip to the local library! A step-by-step guide on developing a lesson based on a favorite picture book. We’ll outline the benefits of integrating literacy and STEM as well as share lesson ideas to accompany several recently published award-winning children’s books.  Tons of resources for building your library of children’s books and repertoire of STEM lessons.

What is STEM & Why is it Important?:
What exactly is STEM, and why does it matter? Come find out and get some practical tips to get started!

Why Add the A(rt) to STEM?
I will talk about the value of integrating art into STEM and do a couple quick activities that show you how fun and valuable it can be!

Why All Students Should Learn to Code:
With all the recent hype about students needing to learn to code, you may be wondering why exactly they need to do this. Surely if they have no interest in being a programmer, it isn't necessary? Listen to this session for some reasons everyone should learn some coding.

Happy Educating,

Have you seen HEEP? It is a preschool homeschool curriculum! Learn more here!

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