Our Favorite Pumpkin Preschool Books
Today I'm sharing our faaavorite pumpkin preschool books! And while these picture books are all perfect for preschool, our toddlers and older kids enjoy them too! (If you're looking for Halloween books, come back...I have our favorite Halloween books coming up next!)
So here, in no particular order, are our favorite pumpkin preschool books! Okay, actually there is one small element of order...I saved the last two for the end of the list because they have lots of Halloween elements (like ghosts or witches) in them. The first five are more about pumpkins than anything else!
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Too Many Pumpkins is hilarious to us because we love pumpkins (and anything with pumpkin in it) so much that it is hard to imagine anyone not loving them too! Despite disliking pumpkins so much, Rebecca has a great attitude and manages to save the day in the end!
What can I say...we love Mouse! :) As usual, his mischief is completely adorable!
Pumpkin Town is another one that is just hilarious! Even more than the story, I love the outrageous pictures! (I do sometimes re-word the story or paraphrase the text to make it flow better for our youngest kiddos.)
From Seed to Pumpkin turns a pumpkin's life cycle into a story. It's simple and sweet, but it answers all the questions your kiddos have about where pumpkins come from.
This is my personal favorite not-Halloween pumpkin story...and it is fabulous! The kids love it, I love it, and the character lesson is memorable and easy to refer to when things go wrong (even if it is a little obvious in the story)! If you're looking for a pumpkin story without ghosts or witches, this is it! (I even recommend it as my 2nd choice book for a Preschool Pumpkin Theme in HEEP, my preschool curriculum!)
These last two include a little more Halloween in their stories, but they are about pumpkins, so I'm including them on this list. For more Halloween preschool books, come back soon--I have that list coming up!
This board book is so simple, but SO popular! It includes rhymes, counting, bright pictures, and pages the perfect size for little fingers. This is the book that will be featured for the Pumpkin Theme in the Virtual Book Club on October 3rd this year!
Big Pumpkin is very possibly my all time favorite pumpkin book! I love the language, the pictures, the meter and rhythm (it is a fantastic read aloud!), the lessons on friendship, and I really love hearing kids saay "Drat!" afterward when things go wrong! If you could only buy one pumpkin book (and you don't mind the Halloween characters) this would be my choice! As a side note, it is my recommended book for the Pumpkin Theme in HEEP, my preschool curriculum!
What's your favorite pumpkin book?
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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