Homeschool Preschool
Do you want to homeschool preschool? I would love to help you!
I am going to run a 7-day Homeschool Preschool event for anyone who is homeschooling young children (or considering it)!
This event is going to have two big components:
1- Posts here on the Preschool Powol Packets blog
2- A "live" event on Facebook!
Homeschool Preschool Event
Let's look at these two components one at a time:
1- Between on October 7th and 14th, I will have 5 new posts going up here (at Preschool Powol Packets) that cover things like...
** Schedules & Routines
(What a typical day might look like)
** Organizing Lessons, Units, and the Year!
Each blog post will be linked here, so you can just bookmark this page and come back to read them at your own pace.
2- Facebook Event! If you're on Facebook, hop over to this event, and click "Going!" I will be sharing the blog posts there and discussing each topic during the week! I also have several freebies and giveaways lined up for anyone there!
This event is perfect if you are homeschooling preschoolers, toddlers, in a bigger pre-k setting, or even kindergarten and 1st grade!
It is also perfect if you are considering homeschool, just want more information, or want to see how "real" moms are "doing it."
While you wait for the series, here are some more resources to help you get started homeschooling preschool:
1000's of pages of activities, science, letters, numbers, and more!
I am super excited to begin this Homeschool Preschool series, and I hope that it is very helpful to you!
Feel free to send me an email, a message on Facebook, or leave a comment letting me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to cover!
Happy Educating,
