How to Make a Pom Pom!

Today I'm going to show you how to make a pom pom...on Friday, I'm going to share a dozen math, science, exploration, and motor skill activities you can do with your pom poms and preschoolers!
Making pom poms is really easy! First, you need to gather yarn and scissors. Then follow these steps:
1- Make a yarn bundle by wrapping the yarn around two fingers about thirty times. If you want bigger pom poms, use more fingers and wrap the yarn more times!
2- Tie a piece of yarn around the middle of your yarn bundle once.
3- Slide the yarn bundle off your fingers, tighten the tie, then knot it 3-4 more times. This knot must be very tight.
4- Cut all the loops!
5- Trim the edges and fluff your new pom pom!
Ta da!! Super you can make a pile of pom poms and check back in a few days for fun ways to use them!!
I may share at any of these parties!