Wednesday, August 17, 2016

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Counting Apple Seeds {FREE} Preschool File Folder Game!

I love fall! Apple themes, pumpkins, and leaves are some of my favorite things to teach! These cute apples are perfect for practicing counting with a hands-on (and yummy) game!!

You can play this apple game one-on-one with your preschooler, with a small group of children, or let them play at a center or rotation station! It's great for math, counting to 21, colors, developing a concept of one-to-one correspondence while counting, and taking turns!

To make Apple Seeds! a file folder game, glue the two apple trees to each side of the inside of a manilla folder. Cut out and laminate all the apples so they will last for many games! Shuffle the
apples and place them in a pile upside down near the trees.


To play, Take turns drawing an apple, counting out the corresponding number of seeds (we used raisins, but you can use real apple seeds, chocolate chips, or even black beans!), and placing the apple and its seeds on the tree!

Everyone wins when the apples are all placed!

I like to tape a baggie or an envelope to the folder to hold the pieces:

Click {HERE} to get your {FREE} Counting Apple Seeds Preschool File Folder Game!!

BONUS: If you have an older kiddo that sometimes wishes for fun and cute hands-on activities, HERE is a division set too! Love our "older" kiddos!!

Are you teaching an apple preschool theme? Check out this apple engineering project and this fun edible apple bubble experiment!

And if you're looking for more theme ideas, you will want to see this list of 52 preschool theme ideas! 

Happy Educating,

I may share at any of these parties!

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