C is for Construction Trucks Preschool Action Rhyme
Before I had kids, I used to think construction trucks were a theme for boys. Boy, have I learned a few things! Our boys and girls had loads of fun with this action rhyme for kids!
In fact, both my boys and my girls have loved visiting construction sites, learning construction truck names, and playing with construction vehicles. All my kiddos love our preschool construction truck themes! My most princessy girly girl will even use construction trucks to "build" things like castles!
My kids all love to move too, so I have had a lot of fun working on these preschool action rhymes! The construction truck preschool action rhyme uses BIG sweeping stretches to imitate six different vehicles. This is great for developing large muscle control and coordination. I've also found that when kids need a sensory break, this is particularly effective if you have them lift or scoop a small (1-, 2-, or 3- pound) weight. It becomes fun, heavy work that helps kiddos refocus their energy and relax. And it's perfectly okay to do the same action rhyme three times in a row! :)
I made a printable version for you too!
Construction Trucks Action Rhyme
from Preschool Powol Packets
from Preschool Powol Packets
The tall, tall CRANE reaches up so high
(stretch up tall toward the sky)
It looks like it will touch the sky!
(keep stretching up, stand on tippy toes)
EXCAVATOR digs a hole so low
(use one hand to scoop a "hole" that touches the ground)
While LOADER scoops up dirt to go.
(use two hands to scoop an imaginary load)
The BULLDOZER scrapes a nice flat ground
(place hands at waist height and "smooth" the "ground" in front of you)
And CEMENT MIXER spins around and round.
(spin in circles)
Now very last, and very strong,
(make "strong muscles")
DUMP TRUCK lifts things all day long!
(use two hands to lift a "load" like a dump truck)
Do you have boys AND girls that love construction trucks too? I have loads of fun construction themed goodies for everyone! Be sure to check out this Construction Truck Names, my {FREE} Construction Truck Board Game and our favorite Construction Truck Sensory Table!
I am sharing this construction trucks action rhyme for kids as part of the 31 Days of ABC's at All Done Monkey! Construction trucks are perfect for learning the Letter C!
Hop on over to All Done Monkey for more letter-learning fun all month!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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