Tuesday, December 27, 2016

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Construction Preschool Theme ~ Construction Preschool Activities

Do your preschoolers love construction themes? Do you have a construction preschool theme coming up? Do you homeschool a preschooler who is in love with everything construction? If so, you will love this: I have gathered up our favorite preschool construction activities for you, and am sharing them today in this preschool construction theme collection!!

I'm dividing up the construction activities in this post by literacy, math and science, sensory, and other preschool construction activities! Just scroll down to see each category.

Construction Truck Literacy Activities:

Literacy is so fun to encourage with a construction preschool theme! You can play with blocks that have letters, build letters with construction toys, and play literacy games (like a construction site with a character that can only say words that start with a "P").  Here are three more construction preschool activities:


Construction Themed Books We Love:

I know I need to make a post about our favorite construction themed books because there are about a dozen! My favorite way to structure "school time" for preschoolers is to start with a book related to our theme (for example, construction), and then follow the reading experience with an activity (in this case a construction activity).  Since I don't have a big post yet, here are three favorite construction books for prescoolers (images are Amazon affiliate links):

Construction Truck Math & Science / STEM Activities:

You can use any manipulative for math that your preschoolers love, so when we have our construction theme we always use little construction trucks for adding, subtracting, grouping, and comparing activities. These can often be worked right into play time! A construction theme is doubly fun because you can use rocks for math manipulatives and a big dumptruck to move them around!

I also love board games because they reinforce counting and a concept of a one-to-one relationship. So... I have a free construction themed board game perfect for preschoolers and two construction themed STEM activities!


Construction Truck Sensory Activities:

Sensory activities are another favorite because they give preschoolers a chance to relax and explore at their own pace. Research tells us that the more senses are engaged, the more your kids are learning too! Your preschool construction theme can have a lot of different kinds of sensory activities, but this has always been one of our favorites:

Construction Truck Crafts/Art:

Egg Carton Dump Truck

Other Construction Truck Activities:

And, of course, I have a couple construction themed posts that don't fit nicely in any other category! These include learning the names of construction trucks (one of the top 10 posts here at Preschool Powol Packets!) and a free set of construction themed valentines!


{PAID} Construction Preschool Packet for Sale:

I hope you have a wonderful construction preschool theme!  Feel free to let me know how it goes or if you have any questions!

Amazon Affiliate Links:

Happy Educating,

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