{FREE} Holiday Shadow Matching Preschool Printable
Shadow matching cards are one of my signature printables...my kids and I all love them!! So, I am excited to share a new set with you today: holiday themed shadow matching cards!
This fun set has six different pictures in color and six in a black "shadow." Like all my preschool printables, these can be used in many ways!
Here are a few fun ideas you might want to try:
* Make a file folder game by gluing the color pictures to a file folder. Place the other cards upside down nearby. Pick up a shadow card and find its match on the folder!
* Place all the cards upside down and play a memory game! Take turns turning two cards over at at a time and see if they match!
* Lay all the cards upside down on the table. Race to see who can find the most matches all at once!
* Hide the cards throughout your playroom. Play candy cane hide-n-seek! Who can find the most matches?
What will you do with them? I'd love to know! Feel free to leave me a note, send an email, or stop by my Preschool Powol Packets Facebook page!
This is part of my HUGE series of holiday and winter printables that I am offering this month...It's my Christmas present to you! I'll be putting up a new printable every day until Christmas -- you can find them all HERE! They are all a little different -- some are only one page, some are more, some focus on math skills, some focus on reading skills, some are holiday themed, some are Christmas themed, etc! But, they are all FREE and I hope you love them!!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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