Rainbow Preschool Music Craft & Song
These bright and colorful rainbow preschool musical instruments are the perfect addition to circle time or music time in the spring! (Actually, they're fun to play year round...we just happen to do a lot of rainbow themed activities and projects in the spring!)
Making a rainbow preschool music stick is super easy! All you need is a wooden dowel (you could even use an unsharpened pencil!), colored fuzzy sticks (aka pipecleaners), bells, and duct tape. We used colored fuzzy sticks provided by Craft Project Ideas (see the note at the bottom) and dowels, bells, and tape from our craft supply drawers.
Rainbow Preschool Music Sticks:
Let your preschoolers choose 3-6 colored fuzzy sticks and thread a bell or two onto each stick.
Twist the fuzzy sticks together and wrap them onto the wooden dowel, being careful to tuck under the wire ends so your preschoolers don't poke themselves.
Use duct tape to hold one end of the stick onto the wooden dowel and wrap the rainbow colored sticks around the dowel.
Secure the other end with duct tape also!
Now you have a rainbow on a stick that rings like a bell!
This is fantastic fine motor exercise!
Twist the fuzzy sticks together and wrap them onto the wooden dowel, being careful to tuck under the wire ends so your preschoolers don't poke themselves.
Use duct tape to hold one end of the stick onto the wooden dowel and wrap the rainbow colored sticks around the dowel.
Secure the other end with duct tape also!
Now you have a rainbow on a stick that rings like a bell!
Give it a shake and listen to that rainbow preschool musical instrument go!
These are loads of fun to play with by themselves, but they're even better when you "play" them in a group with a song! So, I wrote a rainbow musical instrument song to go with them! As you sing with your preschoolers, follow the action suggestions in blue italics!
Rainbow Shake:
A Rainbow Preschool Song for Kids!
by Carla at Preschool Powol Packets
Sing to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb!
Shake your rainbows way up high, way up high, way up high,
(Shake your rainbow musical instruments in the air with your hands high above your head.)
Shake your rainbows way up high, and spin them in the sky!
(Shake your rainbow musical instruments in the air with your hands high above your head.
Then keep your hands in the air and spin in a circle!)
Shake your rainbows way down low, way down low, way down low,
(Shake your rainbow musical instruments close to the ground.)
Shake your rainbows way down low, and tap them on your toe!
(Shake your rainbow musical instruments close to the ground.
Then tap them on your toes!)
Are you doing a rainbow theme this month? If so you should check out my collection of rainbow activities for a preschool rainbow theme here!
You will also love this week's Virtual Book Club for Kids! It's all about rainbows!! You can see and share activities at the Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook Page...
and see all the cohosts rainbow activities below! We're reading A Rainbow of My Own (or any other rainbow book you love)!
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Here are all the cohosts' rainbow themed activities too:
Rainbow Alphabet Activity- Growing Book by Book
Rainbow Name Craft for Kids
5 Math Games using Painted Rainbow Counters - The Educators' Spin On It
How to make rainbow spaghetti - Sensory play for kids -Messy Little Monster
Find the Unicorn Rainbow Sensory Bin - Inspiration Laboratories
Taste Safe Rainbow Sensory Play - Adventures and Play
Preschool Color Activities - Roll and Cover Rainbow
Awesome Rainbow Experiments for Kids- Teach Beside Me
Construction Paper Rainbow Craft from The Moments at Home
Rainbow Fine Motor Activity - Clare's Little Tots
Mixing Colors to Make a Rainbow - Mama Smiles
CVC Word Family Rainbow Puzzles - Sea of Knowledge
Rainbow Words - Rainy Day Mum
Visual Motor Letter Rainbow - The OT Toolbox
Rainbow Preschool Music Craft & Song - Preschool Powol Packets
Rainbow Alphabet Activity- Growing Book by Book
Rainbow Name Craft for Kids
5 Math Games using Painted Rainbow Counters - The Educators' Spin On It
How to make rainbow spaghetti - Sensory play for kids -Messy Little Monster
Find the Unicorn Rainbow Sensory Bin - Inspiration Laboratories
Taste Safe Rainbow Sensory Play - Adventures and Play
Preschool Color Activities - Roll and Cover Rainbow
Awesome Rainbow Experiments for Kids- Teach Beside Me
Construction Paper Rainbow Craft from The Moments at Home
Rainbow Fine Motor Activity - Clare's Little Tots
Mixing Colors to Make a Rainbow - Mama Smiles
CVC Word Family Rainbow Puzzles - Sea of Knowledge
Rainbow Words - Rainy Day Mum
Visual Motor Letter Rainbow - The OT Toolbox
Rainbow Preschool Music Craft & Song - Preschool Powol Packets
Disclaimer: The colored fuzzy sticks were provided by Craft Project Ideas for use at our discretion. No other compensation was provided.
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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