Leaf Activities for Preschool Leaf Theme
Even though most trees don't lose their leaves in Houston, we still like to do either a preschool leaf theme or a tree theme every fall!
Preschool Leaf Activities
These preschool leaf activities are sorted into the following categories:
Leaf Science
Leaf Arts and Crafts
Leaf Math
Leaf Language Arts
Other Leaf Activities
To get more details about each activity, CLICK ON THE TEXT BELOW THE PICTURE. ;)
Leaf Language Arts
Other Leaf Activities
To get more details about each activity, CLICK ON THE TEXT BELOW THE PICTURE. ;)
Leaf Science:

Leaf Art & Crafts - Fine Motor Exercise:

Leaf Math:
Leaf Language Arts:
Other Leaf Activities:
What is your favorite leaf activity? Is there one you do with your preschoolers every year? I'd love to hear from you!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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