Pumpkin Life Cycle Packet
It's fall! It's fall! It's fall!!! I absolutely adore fall and am super excited to share this Pumpkin Life Cycle Packet with you this year!!
My preschoolers have already asked if we're going to go to a farm this year and pick pumpkins, and I was like, "OF COURSE!!"
Then yesterday we passed the candle isle at the grocery store and bought a Pumpkin scented candle. It is wonderful, and we enjoyed it the very same night we bought it!
So, back to the topic at hand: I have been working on a series of life cycle printables to use to teach different life cycles. This pumpkin packet is the next life cycle in that series. If you want to grab the other ones, here are the links:
Pumpkin Life Cycle (with spinner) -- YOU ARE HERE--the sign-up is below!
Let me know if you'd like to see the insects (butterflies, ladybugs, and honeybees) in a spinner format. We're really enjoying making spinners lately, but sometimes it's also nice to have a little variety! If you don't want to make a spinner, there is a "flat" pumpkin life cycle page with arrows on it too!
Cutting and pasting each phase in the pumpkin life cycle is awesome fine motor exercise for your preschoolers too!
Pumpkins are a really fantastic plant to use to talk about life cycles because each stage is so beautiful, bright, and easy to find! You can cut open a pumpkin and pull out the seeds, you can visit a farm and see green and orange pumpkins, and you can plant your own and see sprouts and flowers pretty quickly!
Or you can just print off this packet and see it all at once!
You can sort the pieces, put them in order, and make a pumpkin spinner (like I said, my preschoolers are loving the spinners right now)! There are both color images and black and white images, so you can use whatever suits your printing needs the best!
And the best part? You could buy the packet HERE, BUT I am giving you these files FREE when you subscribe to receive email updates from me! This is actually a double win for you because 1- you won't miss any future freebies and 2- I like to give my email friends huge discounts on paid products (usually, I even give you the product free for three days)! It's totally worth the 45 seconds to subscribe...and if you decide you don't like getting emails from me there is always an "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of every email I send. 💕
You can sign up HERE:
After you subscribe you will receive an email from me with the free pumpkin life cycle file! 💕 Please wait up to an hour to give the system time to send you the email before panicking about it not arriving. 💕 Thank you!!
Happy Educating,
Happy Educating,

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