Ultimate List of Free Unit Plans for Young Children

This week I have been posting a 5-day series on a subject that is close to my heart: How Do I Teach a Child-led Curriculum?
Today, I am sharing the Ultimate List of Free Lessons & Unit Plans! Here is the rest of the schedule:
Since this is a preschool blog, I am sharing a list of {FREE} lessons and unit plans for young children. If you have a FREE unit plan you would like me to list, just send me an email--I'd love to keep this list updated as a huge resource!
Preschool Powol Packets!!
Yes, I have several {FREE} units, including a Poetry Unit, a St. Patrick's Day Packet, an Amazing Arctic Animals PreK Packet, a Spiders lapbook and more! You can also see my smaller packets and single printables (like mini-books and more!) in the FREE tab above. And, you can find more than 400 resources alphabetized for Letter of the Week themes here! Also, be sure to follow along with me in the future because I release all my new packets (like the Hop Back to School Packet, Construction Packet, Dinosaur Packet, etc) FREE for three days before I charge for them!
Today, I am sharing the Ultimate List of Free Lessons & Unit Plans! Here is the rest of the schedule:
Friday: The Ultimate List of Free Unit Plans
Since this is a preschool blog, I am sharing a list of {FREE} lessons and unit plans for young children. If you have a FREE unit plan you would like me to list, just send me an email--I'd love to keep this list updated as a huge resource!
The Ultimate List of Free Unit Plans for Young Children!
Preschool Powol Packets!!
Yes, I have several {FREE} units, including a Poetry Unit, a St. Patrick's Day Packet, an Amazing Arctic Animals PreK Packet, a Spiders lapbook and more! You can also see my smaller packets and single printables (like mini-books and more!) in the FREE tab above. And, you can find more than 400 resources alphabetized for Letter of the Week themes here! Also, be sure to follow along with me in the future because I release all my new packets (like the Hop Back to School Packet, Construction Packet, Dinosaur Packet, etc) FREE for three days before I charge for them!
Homeschool Share has hundreds of free units and lapbooks!
Not Just Cute has several free units available, including Bugs & Creepy Crawlies, Winter, Water, Construction, and others!
Living Montessori Now has a huge collection of free printables and related Montessori-inspired activities. Some of her recent units include Police, Ladybugs, Farm, Flowers, Earth Day, Spring, President's Day, Winter Math, Christmas, and more!
Teach Beside Me has a free Food and Nutrition Unit.
Look We're Learning has a free Discovering Monsters of the Deep Pack.
Future Flying Saucers
Future Flying Saucers is written by a former teacher with a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She is homeschooling her two young children and sharing their unit plans as they go. Currently, she has the following units: Plants, Mammals, Fish, Reptiles, Birds.
3 Dinosaurs
3 Dinosaurs has dozens of free printable unit packs for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners, and she adds more all the time! Some of her units include Summer Learning, Mini Shark Pack, Oceans, 3 Little Pigs, Apples, Baseball, Beach, Bear Snores On, Butterflies, Dinosaurs, Flowers, Football, Medieval, Monsters, Pond, Star Wars, Tooth Fairy, Woodlands, Christmas, Christopher Columbus, Earth Day, Easter, Fall, Hanukkah, Nativity, Polar Express, Reindeer, Summer Olympics, Spring, Thanksgiving, Desert, Weather, Little Red Riding Hood, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Aesops Fables, Little Red Hen, and more. She also has several packs in French.
Here We Are Together
Here We Are Together has several free week-long units that are part of a year-long theme. The year is not completed yet, though several of the week-long units are. You can see Cooking for Kids, Crafts, and Around the World
Royal Baloo
Royal Baloo has dozens of free printable unit activities for toddler through second grade and she adds more all the time! Some of her units include the Zoomin Moving Alphabet, Earth Day Packs, Medieval Pack, Chinese New Year, Snowman Packs, Reindeer Packs, Superhero Pack, Fire Safety Pack, Arctic Animals Pack, Memorial Day, Star Wars, Dentists, Superhero, Fire Safety, and more!
123 Homeschool 4 Me
123 Homeschool4Me has over 150 free printable packets. Most are built around themed units and are for children 2-7, but she is constantly adding to them as her children grow! Some of her units include Alice in Wonderland, Polar Express, If You Give A Mouse a Cookie, Dinosaurs, Farms, Superheroes, Mouse Paint, Curious George, Noah's Ark, Pizza, Pinkalicious, Winnie the Pooh, Little Red Riding Hood, Snowmen, Tangled, Early Explorers, Wild West, Princesses, Traffic Signs, Weather, Music, Nursery Rhymes, Dr. Seuss-inspired, Ancient Egyptians, Monsters, and more!
Lori's Own Little World has a free All About Me Unit and more scheduled!
Every Star is Different has a free My Little Pony Unit.
Handbook of Nature Study has a variety of free nature-related units and instructions about how to study nature with children.
Our Little Monkeys has dozens of printable packets for preschoolers. Free units include Playful Penguins, Thanksgiving, Ice-cream, Easter, Baby Birds, Frogs in the Pond, April Showers, I Heart Trucks (boys Valentine), Fire Fighter, Little Pilot, Owl, Train, Candy Cane, Pizza, Not So Scary Monsters, and more.
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom has loads of free printables, including unit packs! Some of her free units include Traffic Signs, Coral Reef Mini-Unit, Animal Alphabet Pack, Duck Mini-Unit, Caterpillars, and more!
Gift of Curiosity
Gift of Curiosity has dozens of free units and activities for 2-7 year olds! Some themes include Valentine's, Easter, 4th of July, Insects, Beach, Winter, Christmas, Arctic, St. Patrick's Day, Ice-cream, and more!
Meet Penny
Meet Penny has lots of printables, including these free units: Pumpkins, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!
Under God's Mighty Hand has a free Apple Unit!
In All You Do has many units and mini units for PreK-5th grade!
Homeschool Share
Homeschool Share has literally hundreds of free units and lessons! What do they have for young children? In addition to Animal Studies (like whole units for birds, bees, cats, dogs, jellyfish, and more) and Multi-age Lapbooks, there are six levels of units. Take a look:
Here are the topics for 2-4 year olds (Level 1):
Based on Books:
Brown Bear Brown Bear, Caps for Sale, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Ellen Stoll Walsh Unit, Feathers for Lunch, Goodnight Gorilla, Hand Hand Fingers Thumb, Honey Rabbit, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, Jamberry, Mr. Seahorse, The Napping House, Owl Babies, A Pocket for Corduroy, Poky Little Puppy, Quick as a Cricket, What a Wonderful Day to be a Cow, A Whistle for Willie,
File Folder Games:
Animal Match, Apple Match, Bird Match, Penguin Match
123 To The Zoo, Angus Lost, Are You My Mother?, Ask Mr. Bear, The Big Green Pocketbook, The Carrot Seed, Corduroy, Goodnight Moon, Hello Ocean, Humpty Dumpty, If Jesus Came to my House, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Jenny's Surprise Summer, Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear, Katy No-Pocket Lapbook, Little Boy Blue, The Little Mouse the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear, Little Rabbit, The Mitten, Mrs. Wishy Washy, My Blue Boat, Officer Buckle and Gloria, Over in the Meadow, Pat-a-Cake, Play With Me, A Pocket for Corduroy, Prayer for a Child, Red Carpet, The Runaway Bunny, The Snowy Day, Three Little Kittens, Trains, Transportation, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, Yellow Ball
Here are the topics for 4-6 year olds (Level 2):
Based on Books:
Armadillo Rodeo, The Art Lesson, Belioz the Bear, The Big Snow, Billy's Picture, The Bunny Who Found Easter, Busy Monday Morning, A Chair for My Mother, Charlie Needs a Cloak, Cinderella, Comet's Nine Lives, Corduroy Lost, Curious George, Curious George Takes a Job, Dandelion Unit Study, Fancy Nancy Explorer Extraordinaire, Fortunately, Giant Jam Sandwich, Gingerbread Baby, Give Thanks to the Lord, The Giving Tree, Goody O'Grumpity, The Grouchy Ladybug, Growing Vegetable Soup, Harry the Dirty Dog, Here's a Little Poetry Unit, Honey Cookies, Honeybee and the Robber, A House for Hermit Crab, Houses and Homes, I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go To Bed, I Will Never NOT EVER Eat a Tomato, Kitten's First Full Moon, Little Island, Me...Jane, Meerkat Mail, The Mitten, Olivia, The Parable of the Lily, The Parrot Tico Tango, Pumpkin Jack, Round is a Mooncake, Space Boy, That's What Leprechauns Do, Thunder Cake, Toot and Puddle, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Very Lonely Firefly, The Very Quiet Cricket, Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, Wombat Stew
Kindergarten Kits:
Australian Animals, Bye Bye Birdies, Candy Shop, Fairy Tale, Playful Puppies, Super Heroes, Silly Circus, Set Sail, Frog Frolic, Monster Mash, Pirate Adventure, Reptile Rascals, Deep Blue Sea, Forest Friends, Dino Dig, Owl Prowl, Learning With LEGO, Holiday Games
Alphabet Notebook, The Apple Pie Tree, Bears (Karma Wilson), Grocery Store, Hellow Ocean, Human Body, Inch by Inch measuring activity, Knights, Little Toot, Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!, Officer Buckle and Gloria, Phonics - Short and Long Vowels
Do you have free units you would like added to the list? Just send me an email and I would be happy to add to the list!
I hope you've enjoyed this How Do I Teach a Child-led Curriculum series! I hope you have found something that is inspiring or useful to you, and I wish you the best for this upcoming school year!
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom ~ Homeschool Gameschool ~ Are We There Yet? ~ Life with Moore Babies ~ No Doubt Learning ~ Mrs. Redd’s Classroom Blog ~ Proverbial Homemaker ~ My Joy Filled Life ~ Preschool Powol Packets ~ Adventures in Mommydom ~ Vicki Arnold ~ Only Passionate Curiosity ~ Living Life and Learning ~ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ 3 Dinosaurs
Happy Educating, Carla
I may share at any of these parties!
I featured this on TGIF this week as the most clicked on post! Thanks for linking up and sharing your creativity with the rest of us - hope to see you linked up again later today!
Have a GREAT weekend =)