Leaves Preschool Action Rhyme
I love doing action rhymes for kids with my preschoolers! They help develop pre-reading skills while using large muscle, gross motor movements. It's wonderful for coordination, memory, and just plain fun! Today, I'm sharing an easy leaf-themed action rhyme you can do inside or outside...personally, I think doing anything outdoors is more fun!
Here's the easy Leaves Preschool Action Rhyme (suggested actions are in italics):
by Carla at Preschool Powol Packets
by Carla at Preschool Powol Packets
Leaves up high (reach up high)
Leaves down low (bend over and touch the ground)
Leaves are spinning (spin in a circle)
Everywhere you go! (spread arms out wide)
Touch leaves in the trees (reach up high again)
Kick them on the ground (kick imaginary leaves)
Jump in the piles (jump up and down)
Of leaves all around! (spread arms out wide again)
This action rhyme is perfect for leaf, fall, seasons, tree, or outdoor themes! You can do it with your own child, in a group, or with a whole class at circle time or during other whole-group activities! It also makes a great "time filler" for when you have just a few minutes between activities and need something fun (and still educational) to do!
Do you have a favorite song or action rhyme for kids? I'd love to hear it--feel free to send me an email, leave a comment, or stop by my PreschoolPowolPackets Facebook page!
Are you looking for more preschool leaf activities? Check out my free preschool leaf theme!
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