Preschool Pumpkin Math & Science
Sometimes math and science overlap into fun little fall-themed this one! All you need is a pile of little pumpkins!
Collecting data with "non-standard measurement tools" is one of the skills that the Texas State Standards (or TEKS) expects kids to do in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade science. It helps kids prepare to measure with standard measuring tools and develop a concept of one to one relationships (which is important in math, science, and reading)! Plus... We like it because it is a lot of fun!
You can use a lot of different non-standard measurement tools. Since we've spent the week plaing with pumpkins, we decided to measure everything in pumpkins!
It's pretty easy to do...just line them up and see "how many pumpkins tall" your toys and books are!
After we measured a huge pile of toys and books, the kids wanted to measure themselves! (of course, right?!!)
We also had to measure how tall they were with their arms stretched out! Ha!
In addition to being a great measurement activity, this was also great counting practice. We still get mixed up with those pesky numbers between 11 and 15, and it was good for the kids to count through those numbers several times as they measured each other!
I also had my 1st grader imagine that each pumpkin represented 10 other pumpkins, so we practiced counting by tens...he loved being 10 times as tall as before!
Math, science, fall, and learning...what else could you ask for?!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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