Christmas Science Experiment: Grinch-Inspired Slime
It's no secret that we love Christmas science and science experiments that go with books, so I am delighted to have Amanda visiting today sharing a book-based science project she did with her preschoolers!
Nothing beats the autumn season. I love all the learning that can happen with materials found out in nature during the fall season...counting acorns, sorting leaves, and just being outside without sweating your tush off.
But Christmas comes in as a close second.
We love reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas. (Image is an Amazon affiliate link.)

It has been one of our favorite holiday books since Sicily was a little bitty thing. One way I incorporate learning into our home is by planning super simple child-led activities around books. Related: Preschool Book Themes: How to Choose and Develop One For this book, we loved making a Grinch inspired slime. It is an easy way for the kids to get involved in some Christmas science. Sicily and Kade both helped pour in the ingredients and mix it together.
It has been one of our favorite holiday books since Sicily was a little bitty thing. One way I incorporate learning into our home is by planning super simple child-led activities around books. Related: Preschool Book Themes: How to Choose and Develop One For this book, we loved making a Grinch inspired slime. It is an easy way for the kids to get involved in some Christmas science. Sicily and Kade both helped pour in the ingredients and mix it together.

Then we took it to the table to stretch, squish, and according to Sicily's imagination make HUGE noses.
Kade noticed the hearts immediately and spent about 45 minutes trying to pick each one of them out of the slime. Fine motor win!!!!

Grinch Inspired Slime
Use close adult supervision!
6 oz bottle of green glue (or clear glue with green food coloring)
6 oz bottle of green glue (or clear glue with green food coloring)
1.5 TBSP Contact Solution
0.5 TBSP Baking Soda
Heart Buttons (or sequins)

1. Invite your child to pour the glue into a bowl.
2. Add the baking soda and mix well.
3. Dump the heart buttons into the glue.
4. Last add the contact solution and mix. The glue will start to harden and turn into slime.
5. Play! Squish! Pull! Squeeze!
Let me know how your kids love it the most! What other Christmas science experiments will you do this year? Do your kids have a favorite Christmas picture book?
If you'd rather try a liquid starch slime recipe, check out Sarah's Grinch-inspired slime here!
Let me know how your kids love it the most! What other Christmas science experiments will you do this year? Do your kids have a favorite Christmas picture book?
If you'd rather try a liquid starch slime recipe, check out Sarah's Grinch-inspired slime here!
For a more in-depth look at how we do child-led learning in our home without spending hours planning & prepping, take a peek at my Ultimate Guide to Creating an Engaging Homeschool Preschool in Less Time.

About the Author:
Amanda is the owner of Sicily’s Heart & Home where she helps beautiful mama’s homeschool their littles using a child-led approach without spending a lot of time planning & prepping. She is a former elementary and preschool teacher with over 11 years experience. Amanda has 2 littles of her own, Sicily & Kade, who follow this exact child-led approach that she advocates. Amanda is the creator of Learning Through Experiences: A Child-Led Curriculum which currently has a full toddler and preschool curriculum with plans to expand up to sixth grade. In her spare time, she likes to read, garden, and relax in a bubble bath. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Or better yet, go join her Learning Their Way Facebook Group.
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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