Reindeer Toothpaste Christmas Science Experiment
This year's first Christmas Science Experiment is a fun new twist on an old favorite: Reindeer Toothpaste!
One of the most popular activities on this blog is Elephant Toothpaste. It was originally a science experiment that I used to do with my high school students, but I started doing it with my preschoolers waaaaay back in 2011! Our readers loved it, and we have done a few variations on it over the years, including a geography lesson and elephant toothpaste in a pumpkin!
I was recently talking with my friend Sarah about some of our science projects and plans for Christmas--you can see some of her Christmas Science projects here and some of my Christmas Science activities here! She has the most encouraging attitude and, even though blogging has been frustrating for me recently, she motivated me to share this fantastic Christmas science experiment with you! It has been super popular around our house already, and I hope you love it too!
This recipe is a little bit different than my original elephant toothpaste recipe because the shop I went to for hydrogen peroxide didn't have any 6%. Don't worry--12% works just beautifully too!
So gather your reindeer lovers (Rudolph, friends, and everyone else!) and let's make some "toothpaste!"
Safety Notes:
* Adult supervision required!
* Goggles protect eyes from splashes!
* Keep all ingredients and products out of mouths! Despite the fun name, it is not meant to go in any reindeer or people mouths!
* Some kids may have skin sensitive to hydrogen peroxide.
* The bubbles that come out are just soap, water, and oxygen. Again, some kids may have soap sensitivities.
Reindeer Toothpaste
* 1/2 cup 12% hydrogen peroxide
(you can get this on Amazon or at beauty supply shops--it is the same thing as
40 volume CLEAR developer...I will share some Amazon affiliate links at the bottom of this article too)
* a few big squirts of dish soap
(check out the video--I probably use about 1-3 tablespoons)
* 1/4 cup warm water
* 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
* food coloring
* large water bottle
* safety goggles
* optional: a pan and/or tablecloth to catch the mess ;)
Easy How To:
1- Mix the warm water and yeast and set it aside so the yeast have time to activate.
2- Mix the hydrogen peroxide and soap together in the water bottle.
3- Add food coloring. I like to drizzle it down one side so it makes a streak in the "toothpaste."
4- Once the yeast has had time to start growing, pour it into the water bottle too!
And watch the fun!!
You can click here to read my original description of the science behind this reaction--it's pretty thorough! ;)
Are you going to make "reindeer toothpaste?" What about other Christmas science experiments? Do you have a favorite? I'd love to know!!
Are you doing an Arctic Animals Theme with your preschoolers (or older kids!)? If so, be sure to check out my Arctic Animals Theme here!! It has free printables, games, literacy activities, and more!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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