Science Christmas Tree
My 3-year old actually started our science Christmas tree when we were unpacking a new set of spring scales.
I ordered a set of physics supplies like spring scales and pulleys, and they happened to arrive between the time when we had put lights on the tree and pulled out our regular ornaments. Everyone was so excited about the new science supplies that I secretly thought we should have saved them to use as Christmas presents (I'm sure I'm not the only homeschool mom who has thoughtd like that)! Anyway, less than 5 minutes after they came out of the box, my daughter hung one on the tree.
At first I made her take it off...after all, we have ornaments! But as the day went on I changed my mind. Why not?!! I invited the kids to pick out science supplies to decorate the Christmas tree with...and we had a blast!
The kids did 90% of the decorating...they strung and hung magnets, magnifying glasses, pulleys, spring scales, a ruler, tape, a motor, flashlight, graduated cylinders, beakers, bolts, and more. They even put a flower on the top because "nature is science too!"
It was truly a work of art! I totally wished I had thought of it back when I was teaching...a science Christmas tree in a science classroom would have been so cool!
We had so much fun making our science themed Christmas tree that we just might start a themed Christmas tree tradition. I would love to make a scrapbook with a different themed tree every year! We'll have to see how next year goes!
Happy Educating,

I may share at any of these parties!

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