20+ STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Older Kids
STEM activities for preschoolers and kindergarten are engaging, exciting, and perfectly adaptable to any age child! In fact, I have done all these STEM activities that I'm sharing today with preschoolers (3-6 years old) and older kids at the same time!
My husband creates amazing stir-fry meals. Sometimes they remind me of Chinese food, other times Mexican, and other times very American, but they always taste so good. His cooking method generally involves looking through our fridge, grabbing whatever looks good, and mixing together sauces and flavors that sound like they might taste right. In the end he always has something new to teach me about foods and flavors.
Every time we do a STEM project I feel like I'm putting the reigns of learning into my kids' hands and turning them loose on a project just like I turn my husband loose in the kitchen! And in the end, they always have something to tell me about what they've discovered or created!
I love STEM projects because they let kids make plans, test them, analyze, re-test, and discover concepts and conditions on their own terms. They strengthen confidence and build teams. And they are a wonderful foundation for science learning!
Each of these STEM activities incorporates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. And, each STEM project or challenge is appropriate for preschoolers and older kids!
NOTE: This collection began with only 20 STEM activities for preschoolers, but has since grown quite a bit! I'm organizing the STEM projects by themes, so feel free to scroll around to whichever topic you're looking for. So far, you'll find the following themes:
Animal STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Geography STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
LEGO STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Building & Construction STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Holiday STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Printable STEM Games & Activities
Printable STEM Games & Activities
Animal STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Geography STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
LEGO STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Building & Construction STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Bridge Challenge & STEM Activities
Valentine STEM Activity for Kids
Rainbow STEM/STEAM Challenge
Fairy Garden STEM Project
Valentine STEM Activity for Kids
Rainbow STEM/STEAM Challenge
Fairy Garden STEM Project
Holiday STEM Activities for Preschoolers & Kids
Printable STEM Games & Activities:
{FREE} Unicorn Magic: a Screen-Free Early Coding Game
{FREE} Fidget Spinner STEM Challenge Cards
A Few More STEM Resources:
Sometimes embracing the uncertainty and messes that can come with STEM activities for preschoolers (and kindergarten and even older kids!) is daunting, but the rewards are wonderful. Every time I see a mixing bowl, it reminds me that the messes that can stress me out are learning experiences for kids...and they love them.
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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