Thursday, May 15, 2014

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Sports Hide & Seek Graphing

This sports hide & seek graphing activity ties sports, science, math, and active large muscle exercise together into one interactive educational activity!

Simple graphing is an early math and science skill that your children will use for the rest of their lives.  It takes grouping and sorting activities up a level and prepares them to read charts and graphs by building one themselves.  Plus, the hide and seek element of this activity makes it great for my little friends that just can't hold still!

Sports Hide & Seek Graphing:

1.  Preparation:  Print off several copies of 4 different sports.  You are welcome to use our page {here} -- it has a running child, soccer ball, baseball, and bicyclist.  I printed it twice.

2.  A little more preparation:  Cut out the sports squares and hide them!  You can do this inside or outside and make the hidden pictures easy or hard to find!  Reserve one of each sport to place on a graph.

3.  Final preparation:  Draw a bar graph and tape one of each sport to the bottom of each column.  I drew two columns on each page, but you can see where our pictures went right over the edge!  A poster board might work better!

4.  Show your children how each sport has its own column, and tell them that the rest of the pictures are hiding!  Invite them to find them and tape them in the right column.

5.  Hide & Seek!!  As your children find sports, let them tape them in the right spot.

6.  Analyze!  Ask your children which sport has the most pictures?  Which has the least?  Can they order them from most to least? from least to most?

7.  Let your children hide them for another round!

Remember that I am sharing loads of sports-themed crafts and learning activities this week!  Come by tomorrow to see them all!!

I may share at any of these parties!